Home > Check-in Station, Episode by Episode > #Gosick ep15: so… black people can’t be seen at night? Yeah that makes total sense.

#Gosick ep15: so… black people can’t be seen at night? Yeah that makes total sense.

You should’ve seen the look on my face when I found out Leviathan was ni– a black man. *whew!* I’m not even gonna comment on the “ghost who could not be seen” legend.  How many of these stories have I seen where the black guy gets screwed over? So the Saubure monarchy was a scheming, racist elitist group? No real surprise given the attitudes of European colonialism back in those times. Oh well, he lived reasonably well while he could I suppose, though personally I wish he had taken that gold somehow and hauled ass back to his home country instead of trying to do something noble and ultimately futile like trying to influence the king. I say he more distracted the dude than influenced him.

We also got to meet Victorique and Grevil’s father, Albert when he was young. And he was quite the dreamer, schemer and fool. I get the feeling that he hasn’t really changed so much as toned down over the years. It also seems that because of Leviathan he decided to sire a child with Victorique’s mother. That seems like a somewhat strange thing to say as you die by Leviathan. Maybe he had a vision as he was delirious from pain and the near onset of death.

Back to the present, I thought it was pretty impressive that Victorique solved that mystery. Leviathan made the traps obvious, but not the solutions. And I’m amazed that no one survived long enough to just say that you should just NOT TOUCH the flower.

-“Flower poison!” “Pointy thing in flower!” “Flower kill!” or even, “it’s a trap!”

Then again maybe those other faux alchemists and magicians were too greedy to give up the trick even as they were dying.

Well I’m just glad that we’re potentially moving onto the main storyline and arc. There has been a lot of slow, relaxing and reflective episodes and if you’re not in love with this show like I am then maybe that might be getting on your nerves. Now then, I’m anxiously looking forward to seeing this show move forward. I wonder how long it will take for Victorique to be kidnapped? Oh you know it’s going to happen!

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